#Migmorning – May 30, 2024

Caveat – Views are personal and only for knowledge sharing. No commercial interest involved in bringing this on wordpress platform. Only idea is to consolidate daily content on one platform and no liability on part of mig if these inputs are applied for making investment decisions without carrying out your own due diligence

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#Migmorning – May 24, 2024

Caveat – Views are personal and only for knowledge sharing. No commercial interest involved in bringing this on wordpress platform. Only idea is to consolidate daily content on one platform and no liability on part of mig if these inputs are applied for making investment decisions without carrying out your own due diligence

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#VM view – Political Commentary – October 2023  

Caveat – I write political commentary because the political analyst in me is refusing to die but I know where to draw the line. Neither I write in favor of one block nor against another. I don’t give a communal angle to my write ups nor do I endorse the views of any one political block

Continue reading “#VM view – Political Commentary – October 2023  “

#VM view – Political Commentary – June 2023  

Caveat – I write political commentary because the political analyst in me is refusing to die but I know where to draw the line. Neither I write in favor of one block nor against another. I don’t give a communal angle to my write ups nor do I endorse the views of any one political block

Politics is not my profession and as such the views expressed are independent of my employer’s views and in no way attributable to anyone other than me. Still I write about politics because I have always maintained that even if we are not actively involved in the political process beyond voting, in every manner politics tend to impact us in our day today life and it impacts the economy and markets as well and as such it is pertinent that we do an analysis of what is on and what is not that is going on

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VM_view – mood of the nation – how will India vote in 2024 – a seat assessment ahead of time

Is the field actually wide open – read out to find out

#VM view – India elects a new Parliament in 2024 – seat projection in today’s scenario

Caveat – I am not a qualified psephologist, I carry psephology as a hobby and a passion. This is just an assessment basis my own assumptions and data points I have come across on electronic media, some websites and what I’ve observed basis the opinion being expressed by spokespersons across party line 

Indeed I have used the vote percentage garnered by a parties in last held assembly polls and last parliamentary elections held in 2019 to make it a bit more scientific. Reading a political post people inadvertently tend to attribute the same to political allegiance of the writer and at times the writer even gets trolled

Quite often I’ve written posts inclined towards BJP and faced the music from Congress supporters and vice versa. As stated in the past I am not answerable to any individual for my political allegiance and my idea of writing the political posts is to present an objective analysis to my readers. The idea is to share the outcome of my passion with readers’ group who are interested in politics and at times pose this question to me

I may have voted for BJP or for Congress, I may have pressed or going to press NOTA even, this post has nothing to do with that. Naysayers are free to equate me with Rajdeep or Barkha or Arnab, I don’t mind. The idea here is to just bring forth the facts that are going to give direction to the political environment prevailing at the moment, basis my understanding

As a matter of fact even this time there is no competition for the ruling alliance and the opposition is just trying to put it’s own house in order as a step towards 2029, a time by when many of the erstwhile and current stalwarts would have gone down into books of history 

Please see, if you are not able to access this document, you can message me to share this document with you on what’sapp 

Continue reading “VM_view – mood of the nation – how will India vote in 2024 – a seat assessment ahead of time”